
XDI was first recognized by the credit union industry for superb service, client care and hot document design in the arena of event-driven member communications. We efficiently deliver the kinds of daily notices and letters that are often overlooked by organizations exploring process improvement or searching for incremental cost reductions. Documents are frequently handled by many different departments in less-than-obvious ways; some may be outsourced, while others are created in the necessary evil mode by credit union staff. More often than may be realized, your members are receiving multiple documents in separate mailings on the same day - with evidence that this occurs for up to 20% of correspondence sent by financial institutions across the country!

XDI realizes that document process engineering is not necessarily an internal credit union priority, core competency or passion. Our XpressNotice service offer an economical, turnkey solution for the delivery of both critical and routine notices and letters to your members - without impacting your institutional resources.

Service Highlights:
  • Each document is customized to your exact specifications
  • Significant mailpiece reduction by:
    • Merging multiple input records onto one output notice
    • Combining multiple documents into one envelope
  • Clear, effective document designs that earn member appreciation
  • Extremely reliable, automated document factory infrastructure
  • Guaranteed postage discounts from XDI
  • eDocument delivery option (see eXpressServices for more information).

Each document is customized to your exact specifications.