How Can I Customize My Credit Union Statements?

Jul 10, 2019

Credit unions who unload statement mailing to third parties see numerous benefits. Still, relinquishing full statement control to an outside vendor could mean losing that personal touch. Is there any way to customize credit union statements by third-party vendors?

The short answer is yes, there is. In this article, we’ll talk about why credit unions might still want a little hand in developing the look and feel of their statements. Then, we’ll discuss a few ways that credit unions can customize their member statements to fit their aesthetic.

Why Customize Credit Union Statements?

Credit unions thrive on providing exceptional experiences for their members. The personal touch that credit unions offer is part of what sets them apart from other financial institutions. Maintaining that personal touch across all aspects of business is crucial.

Credit unions who move to third party vendors to solve their statement needs inherently lose some control over the member statement design and delivery. To avoid confusing, alienating, or—I don’t know—totally disappointing their members, credit unions need a special touch.

Credit unions need to ensure that their statement materials fit the rest of their brand guidelines. Here are a few ways they can do that with XDI’s member statements.

Add a Logo

If a credit union customized no other portion, things might still turn out fine. Miss a logo, however, and suddenly members might not know the difference between their statement and junk mail.

Adding a logo lets your members know right off the bat that their mail is from their friendly neighborhood credit union. Not only does it help avoid confusion, but it also looks very professional. Trés cool!

Change the Font

Fonts are a large part of brand guidelines. Credit unions who adhere closely to their brand guidelines will want to make sure that their statements fit within them.

Changing the fonts on your credit union member statements keeps a consistent look and tone across all media.

Color vs Black and White

With XDI’s credit union member statements, you can choose between color or black and white options on eStatements.

Black and white is straightforward, easily legible, and no-nonsense. You can also add a splash of color to create a more engaging, dynamic layout to help people navigate their statements.

Bonus points: keep the colors within brand guidelines to really impress and astound your members.

Data Formatting

Usually, we put account information in a particular order. Then, we try to make it easy to find and read.

If you want to change that, you’re in luck. Put that one bit over there? Sure. Put that other bit up top? Okay!

Customizing your data format will keep your members from getting lost on their statements. They’ve come to expect a certain format, and by golly, you can still give it to them.

Marketing Messages

Credit union member statements are a great place to throw in a little marketing. After all, if there’s room for it, why not give it a go?

XDI allows for seamless and uncluttered advertisement on its statements. Want to show off your CD rates? Are you trying to feature your auto loans? How about inviting members to a chili cookout? Customizing statements with marketing messages can add that little something extra to keep your members engaged and updated about what your credit union can offer.

Two Birds, Meet One Stone

Or one scone, if you feel that’s more appropriate.

Outsourcing your credit union statements can free up several resources at your credit union. However, to avoid confusing your members—or just making them unimpressed—avoid sending generic statements.

You can get all the benefits of outsourcing your credit union member statements with none of the drawbacks. All it takes is a little customization.

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