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What We Do

Statements Notices Tax Forms
& More

Phone screen showing accounts view.
Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3


Share and loan statements designed for maximum readability and minimum page count. Includes targeted marketing messages and images, as well as printed inserts.


Daily, or as-needed, member communications with typical same-day processing and mailing. Our unique processes can provide a reduction in total document and mail piece count of up to 20%, and even small mailings qualify for postage rate discounts.

Man holding cell phone with two hands and smiling at the camera.

Member Tax Forms

Our sophisticated tax solutions turns the credit union’s IRS data files into professional print and/or electronic tax documents. Credit unions may even opt to combine multiple tax forms into one outgoing envelope to appreciate possible postage savings.

Print andElectronicDelivery

Whether your member chooses print or electronic documents, XDI offers both robust options to allow the credit union to best serve each individual member’s needs.

Email screenshot PDF screenshot

XDI is always ready to provide innovative solutions to our needs, thus enhancing our efforts to consistently deliver exceptional member service.

Bill Birnie, Frontwave Credit Union®

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