Free Emails for a Good Cause

In the wake of the credit union industry’s nationwide support for victims of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Xpress Data, Inc. has undertaken a new, long-term philanthropic effort that provides free eXpressMessaging™ email services for credit unions’ specific charity causes. Any XDI credit union client that relies on eXpressMessaging to convey information or solicitations for their sponsored charity programs can use the email blast portal for this benevolent purpose for free throughout 2010.

XDI’s eXpressMessaging is a full-featured, self-service bulk email communication tool that credit unions can use to send unlimited emails and SMS text messages to their members. This email blast service allows credit unions to communicate more effectively with any members – including those who are not “opted in” to receive their Notices, Tax Forms, or Statements electronically.

“With all the crises occurring in the world as of late, we feel a responsibility to provide this service for free to benefit our clients’ charities,” states Mike Cooper, President/CEO of XDI. “We see it as giving back to help those in need, realizing that eXpressMessaging can be a highly effective tool to help our clients support their charities and achieve their philanthropic goals.”