Conversion from OMR to 2D Barcode

As an organization that is always working on system enhancements, we were excited about the benefits that implementing 2D barcodes on all our mailpieces would bring to both our staff and our clients. In prior years, XDI included a binary OMR barcode in the upper left corner of the documents we produce for our credit union clients. These horizontal lines were used by our inserting machines to know the start/end of a mailpiece, which selective inserts were to be included, as well as page-to-page and set-to-set validation.

Beginning in May 2013, we began implementing the 2D barcode and completed the conversion in August 2013. (FYI - the 2D barcode does not contain ANY member information.) The enhanced 2D barcode, which replaced the OMR barcode, provides all the functionality of the OMR barcode plus much more, such as:

  • Up to 6 selective inserts (the previous barcode only allowed for 3 selective inserts)
  • Takes up less space, so more of the page can be used on subsequent pages
  • Enables tighter document accountability